When St. Patrick’s Day rolls around at our house, we are often visited by the wee folk. They leave footprints in our bathtub, turn our milk green, and hide gold coins in the couch cushions. I love celebrating by making corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread, while my kids loves crafts. One of […]
Candy Cane Crafts For Christmas
One of my favorite themes to work with, whether I’m baking or decorating, is candy cane! I love the simplicity of the red and white stripes and the versatility to make it as detailed or as simple as I want. You can use candy canes as inspiration for decoration or as actual decorations. Here are […]
DIY Menorah Ideas For Chanukah
Chanukah (or Hanukkah) is the Jewish Festival of Lights. It is a celebration of the Maccabee’s victory over the Syrians during the second century (B.C.) that is commemorated by lighting a candle each night for eight nights. Today this holiday is celebrated by many throughout the world. There are many traditions that go along with […]
Hauntingly Easy DIY Ghost Crafts (That Are BOOtiful)
One of my favorite Halloween accessories is ghosts. Why? Because they are simple to make, match almost everything and are quite frankly, bootiful. So, whether you’re looking for large or small ghosty friends, I’ve got the info you need to make your own ghost crafts. Idea 01: Cheesecloth Ghosts Cheesecloth is perfect for creating ghosts. […]
Festive Fourth Of July Wreaths
One of my favorite things to craft at home is wreaths for my front door! They are typically easy to put together, versatile, and fun. So, if you’re looking for something new to make for your front door, then look no further! If you’re in the mood to make some 4th of July crafts, then […]
12 EASY Room-Mom Valentine’s Day Party Ideas
Things have been looking a little pink and red lately at the store -maybe even at home. To top things off, your littles keep pulling cards and candy off the shelves and into your shopping cart. And, what’s this? An e-mail asking for help with the class Valentine’s Day party? Okay, parents, we’ve got this. […]
10+ DIY Place Card Crafts for Christmas
Waaay back when, I remember looking up place cards ideas for Thanksgiving. Before then, I’d just allowed people to sit where they found somewhere chair-like. Before you judge, you should know that we’ve had young kids for about a decade. My husband and I haven’t been able to do the whole fancier dinner thing. This […]