We love giving our neighbors gifts at Christmas, but they sure can add up fast. This year we decided to focus our list on inexpensive Christmas gifts for neighbors. From homemade to DIY to non-food gifts, here are some of our favorite ideas!
Christmas Gift Ideas For Neighbors: Homemade Caramel
In today’s working world, handmade says a lot. It says, “I care enough about you to take time just for you.” So when it’s time to make Christmas gifts for your neighbors, why not whip up a batch of homemade caramel? As a bonus, it’s ridiculously easy. Begin by grabbing small mason jars, then follow the instructions from this post. Finish by adding a darling gift tag (like this)!
Christmas Gift Ideas For Neighbors: DIY Sugar Scrub
If you’re looking for a non-food gift, then we suggest making a sugar scrub! The full DIY sugar scrub recipe can be found here. Make a few batches, then place them in little mason jars. When your jars are ready, place a holiday label on the lid so that the recipients know what it is and don’t accidentally eat it.
Christmas Gift Ideas For Neighbors: Family Gifts
When it comes to giving gifts to families, sometimes it’s better to give something everyone can enjoy. So why not give the gift of homemade vanilla extract? You can find the full DIY here. Essentially you grab some vodka, vanilla bean pods, and glass jars like these. Place the pods into the jars, fill with vodka, and allow them to sit for a few months to mature. The result is a vanilla extract that is heavenly to bake with. Everyone in the family will appreciate it!
Christmas Gift Ideas For Neighbors: Hot Chocolate Bombs
Utilize the magic of an ice cream or baby food mold to shape these three ingredients: a mix of melted chocolate with cocoa and sugar, topped with peppermint chunks. Place a spoon or stick into the mold and allow the chocolate to harden in the fridge. Package in some cellophane with ribbon and you’ve got one cute Christmas gift idea! Attach a little tag about mixing them into hot milk or water, or gift them with a mug.
Christmas Gift Ideas For Neighbors: Cute Cookie Jars
Want to take the cuteness up a level? Create these darling cookies-in-a-jar! Putting them together is also crazy easy. Start by grabbing a set of mason jars. Then measure out all the dry ingredients in your favorite cookie recipe. We included red and green candies so that the cookies would be extra festive. Next, tighten the lid and attach some instructions for what ingredients need to be added as they mix the cookies. Then all you have to do is try really hard to not make and eat them all yourself!
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