Sidewalk Chalk is a perfect outdoor activity for kids of all ages! My littles love coloring the driveway, the sidewalk, the front walk, all of it. You can get great sidewalk chalk here and a fun set with stencils and more here. Now that you’ve got your chalk, it’s time to level up your chalk game by organizing some summer sidewalk chalk games!
Summer Sidewalk Chalk Games
Game 01: Hopscotch

This game is a classic for a reason. It’s great for coordination and counting! Draw your hopscotch squares, including the numbers, and then toss an item (a rock, a small piece of chalk, etc) onto the hopscotch. The little then needs to hop and skip across without touching the square that the item is closest to or on.
Game 02: Bullseye

Have your littles make a bullseye on the ground and assign numbers to each ring. Then have them take turns tossing objects (wet sponges, rocks, etc) onto the bullseye. The little with the highest score wins!
Game 03: Sidewalk Chalk Maze

There are two ways that you can do this: foot maze or bike maze. When I was a kid, we used to make mazes to ride our bikes through, kinda like an obstacle course. Littles can draw mazes and take turns trying to get to the end! Or you can draw the maze and see how the littles do. Either way, this is a great activity to get kids on their feet and moving around!
Game 04: Alphabet Hop

This is a great game for practicing spelling in a sneaky way! Simply have kids write out the alphabet and then you can call out letters. If your kids are old enough, try calling out words and having your littles hop on the letters to spell the word out. This gets them active and is a sneaky way to work on literacy skills over the summer.
Game 05: Up And Away!

This game works great with imagination and a camera. Simply ask kids the question: “If you could fly, what would you use to fly?” Then have them draw their answer on the sidewalk. Last, take photos of them “flying” with their choices!
Good luck having fun outside with your littles!
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