If you’re looking for a fun way to involve the kids in Valentine’s Day, then you should really think about putting together a fun Valentine scavenger hunt for kids.

Valentine Scavenger Hunt For Kids
It’s a great way to keep them occupied, active, and excited about this holiday. Start by creating your “prize” at the end. This could be something edible or a toy. My mom usually gave us PJ’s on Valentines. If you’ve got a little who loves building, then this darling Lego Valentine’s Dog is a great option! If you’ve got a little who loves pink, stuffed animals, and things plushy, then this super cute Kitty in a purse will be a pleaser! Once you get your prize all figured out, it’s time to put together the scavenger hunt!

First up, create your clues! You can definitely put all your clues on the same page, or you can stage it so that they have to go from one place to another to get their clues. These hearts are darling and perfect for writing on.

Valentine Scavenger Hunt For Kids:Possible Clues
- Clue #1 is so much fun! All you have to do is look where the dishes are done. (By the sink)
- Clue #2 is not so hard, check the spot for mail and cards. (In the mailbox)
- Somewhere hiding in a tree is where you will find Clue #3 (in a branch or bush)
- Clue #4 is easy as pie, look for the place where sleeping children lie (in their bed)
- So far so good! You’ve reached the middle. Let’s see if you can solve this riddle: “It ticks and tocs and shows you the time!” (By a clock)
- Looking for your next direction? Clue #7 is by your reflection. (By the mirror)
- Clue #8 is is where socks find their mates. (In the laundry room)
- You beat that riddle, here’s nother one…what has no feet but still can run? (by a faucet)
- You’re super close! Run back outside, find the clue where we park things that drive. (On the driveway)
- It’s almost done, now look beneath the thing that helps you clean your teeth! (under the toothbrushes or toothpaste)
- You’ve done so good, you’re almost done! Look for the place we keep the HON-ey.

Get your inner poet on and have the kids run around wherever they can. It’s a great way to keep them engaged and involved in this holiday. Have fun and tell me all about your Valentine scavenger hunt for kids. Happy Hunting!
If you need some sweet gift ideas, click here.
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