When it comes to the games that you have at a toga party, you want to keep them fun and interesting, something different from the usual. Since they are Toga-themed, and different from something like a spa party, the games will revolve around a Greek/Roman theme. Come to think of it, you can creatively maneuver most games into this criteria. The most basic one is who wore the best toga, a judge or jury decides and that person gets a prize. Besides that, there are many fun toga games that you can play at your party.

Here are 5 fun toga games that you can play with your friend at your next Greek soirée!
Fun Toga Games to Bring Your Party to Life

1. Trivia
A popular party game, you can tailor this one to go with the toga theme. Divide the guests into teams and then ask them questions about Rome and Greece. Have some fun punishments lined up for those who get them wrong and prizes for the ones who get them right!

2. Statue Game
This one is sort of what we used to play as kids. You can play statue where everyone has to pose as Greek/Roman statues and then freeze. The winner is the one who lasts the longest. You can make this game more fun by appointing one person to make the statues laugh and seeing who’s the first to give in.

3. Who am I?
This one is a classic where you write the name of a Greek or Roman character and stick it to the contestant’s forehead. With that, they have to go around the room asking the guests ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to reveal their identity. For example, “Am I a gladiator?” “Am I a Greek Goddess?”
4. Tug of War
An all-time favorite, you can play this one by making teams and diving the guests into equal halves at opposite ends of the room. They then have to fight both ends of the rope and whoever manages to pull it more towards their side wins. It will be especially fun to play wearing togas!

5. Oil Wrestling
Oil wrestling was a common sport in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. It involved them rubbing oil on their bodies to make it even trickier to hold one another during the competition. If your toga party is a wild one, then this seems like the perfect game. If you don’t wish to use oil, you can use mud instead and make it more fun!
The Last Word
We guarantee you that you’ll have a total blast playing these fun toga games, so play your heart out in your toga outfit, which will make it even more fun and challenging!
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