People have been working to get by since practically forever. Beginning with the Industrial Age, working environments got even busier, scarier, and unhealthier. People as young as 5 worked 7 days a week, sometimes 18 hours a day. Until one day, people decided they had had enough. On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers stood up from their machines, took unpaid leave and marched from City Hall to Union Square in NYC in what is now remembered as the first Labor Day parade in US history. The idea caught on, and Labor Day was soon observed throughout all of the US on the first Monday in September.

Today we celebrate Labor Day as an end to Summer with barbecues, family get togethers, and soaking up the remainder of that beautiful sunshine. There are many different themes you can use to create a memorable Labor Day party, but here are a few to get your inner wheels turning:

All White: I don’t know where the “don’t wear white after Labor Day” thing came from, but how fun would it be to do the opposite? Celebrate by having an all white dress code, followed by:
- These darling centerpieces
- Personalized WHITE sunglasses to give as favors
- Personalized white stadium cups
- Eyelet paper lanterns to hang
- These ADORABLE adirondack place holders
- Serve white foods: Potatoes, Rice, White bread sandwiches (with colorful toppings of course!) and white desserts like white petite four cakes or S’mores!

Blue Jeans: There really isn’t anything that says “hard working Americans” like blue jeans. They are the stuff of casual Fridays and the love of every teenager. Go fully relaxed with a blue jean dress code and accessorize with red and white to tie in the American spirit. Then:
- These darling cupcake wrappers
- These milk jugs would go great with white flowers on top of a white table cloth
- American Flag bunting is a must for a blue jean party
- This galvanized tub would work flawlessly filled with ice to keep drinks cool
- Serve some delicious barbecue foods: ribs, kabobs, hot dogs, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob with star spangled cookies

Trade Party: Since Labor day is, in essence, a celebration of the working man, why not have a Village People inspired party! Have everyone come dressed as a different type of trade worker: construction, police man, nurses, teachers, carpenter, farmer, etc. Decorate with:
- a tool box filled with flowers for center pieces
- Construction zone bunting
- For food, serve sandwiches, salads, and finger foods (things you could pack in a lunch)
And there you have it! three different themes for your Labor Day Party!
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