Besides presents, snow, religious traditions, and Santa; Christmas always reminds me of cookies.
This is because one of our family traditions was to bake cookies for all the neighbors. My mother did all the hard work, and we children ran paper plates full of her results around the block.
As I’ve grown up and had my own family, I’ve tried to follow the same tradition. Admittedly, some years I haven’t had a lot of time for baking.
So, besides the fact that I love dipping things in candy, the following recipes are also quick and easy.
You can also involve the kids in doing more than delivering!
Who wouldn’t like to make Santas out of Nutter Butter cookies?
These are assembled the way they appear: with facial features and a hat pasted on with frosting. You’ll need white chocolate chips, red sprinkles, white sprinkles, a Red Hot candy, and miniature chocolate chips.
You might also want some Nutter Butter cookies.

This idea from The Nerdy Chef includes the recipe for these sugar cookies, but I won’t tell if you use pre-made ones.
Then, they glazed each cooled cookie, drew lines with melted chocolate chips, and added Mini M&Ms “lights.”
I’m totally making these this year.

You may see these, as I did, and feel your stomach hurting.
My six-year-old, on the other hand, immediately begged to make them.
If you’re stuck for ideas for a kids cookie, head over to The Café Sucre Farine for these sprinkles-dipped thumbprint cookies.
The peppermint addition is a Hershey’s Holiday Kiss.

Hey, wait a minute! Those don’t look like cookies!
Upon my honor, they are. They just haven’t been baked.
Yep -these are Candy Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs. And, after reading that name through, I’m sure you understand why I had to include them.
They’re a mix of cookie dough, brownie, and Mini M&Ms inside; coated in CandiQuik, peanut butter, and coarsely-cut Mini M&Ms outside.

These melting snowman cookies are guaranteed to melt in your mouth, after you chew them.
You’re welcome to mix up whatever cookies (or, slice and bake ones) you want. Next, top with white candy melting chips that have been melted.
The hat is a halved Reese’s Peanut Butter Bell, the eyes mini chocolate chips, and the nose is re-shaped Orange Starburst.

Need one more? I knew you were my kind of cookie-eater!
You’ll be pleased to learn that these Candy Coated Christmas Cookies are more than just a tongue-twister.
They are Oreos, dipped in melted white chocolate. Go all Jackson Pollock with red and green candy melts at the end.
Find more treats here:
Insanely Easy Party Appetizers
Finger Food Recipes for Kids Birthday Parties
10 Heartily Healthy Party Foods

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