It’s the time of year when the whole family piles into the car and heads off into the sunset (or sunrise) in search of new adventures and new skylines. Which means, it’s about time to make sure that you’re ready for all those hours in the car! Have you ever been stuck with a car full of kids on the road to a new place and realized that you’re woefully unprepared? I’ve been there. Whether you’re going for an extended road trip or just a day away from the house, here are some essentials that you need to have in your car for summer day trips.

Must-Have Items For The Car For Summer Day Trips
Must-Have 01: Fluids
It goes without saying, but having extra water on hand can literally be a life saver. Whether you’re going around town or on a longer trip, you never know when you might need some extra aqua. We went to Idaho a few years back, which is just about 4 hours away from our home, and ended up in the middle of a tri-state power outage. Can you guess what happened? Our kids were screaming they were thirsty, they were hungry, and there was absolutely no way to purchase anything. It was the definition of miserable. But we learned a good lesson, and I will never travel without a 12 pack of bottled water in my car again.
Must-Have 02: Air Freshener
This seems like a stupid thing, but trust me on this. All it takes is one bad diaper, one car sick kid, or one spilled lunch and you could be sitting in one foul smelling vehicle. Grab a 5-pack here. You won’t regret it!

Must-Have 03: Car Trash Can
I’m not sure what your back seat looks like, but most days mine looks like Oscar the Grouch’s summer getaway. So, if you find yourself out and about, you really should invest in one of these. I promise it will make life so much easier, and cleaner too!
Must-Have 04: Baby Wipes
Whether you have a little one or a backseat full of grown-ups, you can’t go wrong with having a package or two of baby wipes on hand. They are fantastic to help clean up spills, clean up hands, and clean up clothing when the occasion arises.
Must-Have 05: Sunscreen
I don’t know how, but sunscreen is one of those things that tends to disappear like chapstick. I finally got to the point where I keep a bottle in my car for those spur of the moment trips to the park, or just those times you end up in the sun unexpectedly. You can get a 3-pack here and keep one in each car and diaper bag!

Must-Have 06: Hands-free Phone Mount
This one is all about the safety of you and those on the road around you. Having a hands-free phone mount is a must if you’re going on a day trip. It allows you to keep your phone in one spot, but also out of your fingertips. Grab an excellent one here.
Must-Have 07: First-Aid Kit
This one is a good idea for short and long trips. It’s also a good idea to check yours often as supplies can get depleted. My kids tend to go through band-aids like they are skittles. Grab an excellent kit here and keep it in your trunk for emergencies.
Must-Have Miscellaneous: Snacks, Spare clothes, and more!
If you really want to have a successful day trip, it’s important to know your kids and try to anticipate what you might need. My kids do great until they are hungry, then you’d better watch out! The world is going to end. This is one reason why I keep an emergency stash of fruit snacks. We end up replacing them every other week, so they don’t get a chance to go bad.
I’m also a firm believer in keeping spare clothes in my car. I tend to get spilled on quite a bit, so I keep an extra shirt for me, and at least one pair of undies and bottoms for my girls.
What are some things that you find yourself in need of when you’re out and about? I’d love to hear some other suggestions! I hope these must haves help make your summer day trips much more enjoyable!
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