One of the biggest trends moving around the nation is couples throwing Gender Reveal parties. Gender Reveal parties are a great way to bring everyone in on your joy and celebrate the new life that’s about to join your family and these gender reveal party games are a blast.
If you’ve struggled with infertility, then chances are announcing your pregnancy wasn’t a huge surprise. So why not crank up the fun and mystery with your very own Gender Reveal?!

Cute invitations, decorations, and food are a must. But what’s really important is the actual gender reveal! Yes you could just pop a balloon and call it good, or you could include the whole gang in the reveal and turn it into a game!
Gender Reveal Party Games: Ideas
He or She? Cast Your Vote!
Cast your vote: Boy or Girl? Team Boy and Team Girl Sunglasses
To begin with, guests may advertise whether they think the baby is a boy or girl by wearing their vote. Adhere some blue bow-ties and pink hair bows to safety pins, and lay them out on your entry table. Or you can buy some buttons like these. If you want something over the top funny, then you should grab a set of “Team Boy” and “Team Girl” glasses.
While everyone is waiting for the big reveal, they can show off their vote and nibble on some tasty treats. Gather a mixture of pink and blue candy here to keep those tastebuds happy. You could even have prizes for the winning team!
He or She? The Big Reveal!

Once you’ve got everyone gathered together, it’s time to reveal the big surprise! Here are some great options to make your gender reveal unique.
Gender Reveal Party Games: Left, Right, Pop!
C.J. Meyer Designs wanted to reveal her baby’s gender with a confetti popper. Instead of simply pulling the plug over everyone’s heads, however, she came up with a passing game titled “Our Story.”
Guests sit in a circle, ready to pass around several poppers. One guest has a pink or blue confetti popper while the rest have white. Then, someone reads a modified version of how the parents met, with additions of left and right. Players will pass the poppers left or right, accordingly. At the end of the story, everyone pulls his or her string for the final surprise!
Gender Reveal Party Games: Whack! Bam! Boy or Girl?
One really cannot underestimate the universal appeal of piñatas, especially if any children are invited to your big day. Why not consider adding some colored confetti with the colored candy? Then the big reveal of sweets inside will also sweetly reveal whether a boy or girl is forthcoming. Grab a beautiful neutral moon piñata here, and some gender-specific confetti here. You could always make your own piñata using a box or balloon, some flour/water paste, crepe paper, and letters.

Gender Reveal Party Games: Boom Goes the Gender

Another popular way to reveal the gender of the little bambino or bambina is to use a smoke cannon. These can be purchased almost everywhere and are safe when used correctly. Grab a beautiful set here at a great price. After your guests have voted, eaten, and played a game or two, it’s time to gather them outside and let the happy couple share the great news!
To turn this into a game, why not have a scavenger hunt that tells the story of how the couple met? If your couple had quite the infertility journey and they are okay sharing their story, make that part of the event. It’s a great way to showcase the struggle and end the stigma of infertility. Alternatively, you could get a smoke cannon for each guest and have the mom and dad-to-be stand in the middle with their eyes closed. Then every guest pops their cannon at the same time and ta-da!
Reveal: The Writing’s on the Wall

Another way to turn your surprise into a game is to give one guest the right answer written on a card that’s sealed into an envelope with a surprise like a gift card or money. The catch is that every guest receives a sealed envelope as well! When each guest shows up, hand them a sealed envelope with the instructions to not open them until it’s time. Tell them they can trade the cards with whomever they want, but only one card is the winner!
When everyone’s had enough food and is ready, gather everyone up. Count down and have everyone open up their envelopes at the same time and see who wins and who has the answer!
Which of these ideas do you think you’ll try? Let me know how the reveal went in the comments section below! Happy Planning!
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