So you’re looking for a way to ask your bestie (and your hubby’s) to be your little one’s godparent? Well, look no further! A godparent proposal should be sentimental and fun. It’s a great idea to give the Godparent-to-be something to remember the moment by as well as something that focuses on the baby and the task at hand. Check out these adorable Godparent proposal ideas!
Godparent Proposal Ideas
There are a few darling poems you can utilize floating around the internet:
I need a pair of extra hands
to help me learn and grow.
I think that yours would be the best,
’cause Mommy and Daddy told me so.
Would you be my Godfather/mother?
I’m looking for a Godmother/father to always hold my hand,
A friend if I should need one,
who will love and always understand.
A Godmother/father who’ll always be there,
in good and bad times too.
To guide me, love me, keep me safe,
Who better to ask than you!
Or, you can run with the typical idea of The Godfather (think anything influenced by the movie) and a Godmother (like Cinderella’s). There’s this darling necklace for a Godmother that would be a great keepsake.
If your bestie is more casual and less sentimental, then this is a great route to go. The t-shirt is cute, to the point, and just sentimental enough.
If you’ve got a Godfather that you’re trying to ask, then you’ve got a plethora of Godfather inspired items. If you’re not into the mafia theme, then this shirt is a great option!
Key Chain
If you’re looking for something a little more sentimental, but still low-key. Then this key chain hits it on the head. It’s small enough to put on a guy’s keyring, but sentimental enough to commemorate the occasion.
The Proposal
Once you’ve gotten your gift prepared, it’s time to make the proposal. I think that proposing to Godmothers is slightly different than Godfathers, because it’s men v. women. But that’s just me. If you’re looking for something silly then:
- Get down on one knee and propose!
- Wrap up your gift and find an event that you can give it to them (if it’s around Christmas it would be even better).
- Get a cake and write the question on top
- Take them a bunch of balloons, pop one, and have the slip of paper asking them inside
If you’re looking for something more sentimental, then:
- Invite them to a party where you do a white elephant and rig the game so that they get your present with the poem or gift inside.
- Take them out to dinner, and when dessert comes, pop the question.
- Put together a basket (or order one online) and have it delivered to them at work or home.
Good luck!
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