One of the best holidays of the year is almost here!
And, after Halloween, we get to join together with our families for another great celebration: Christmas.
Wait, what? Something about eating first? Oh, yeah…
If you need to come up with some crafts for a holiday in November that involves food and family, you’ve come to the right place.
For starters, check out these flower turkeys made with felt from Our Best Bites.
You can paste them on napkin rings, name tags, children, or just toss them on people’s plates. That’s almost as easy as it was to piece them together with that handy glue gun of yours.

Maybe you’ve got a strange child who likes to get messy. Would any of them like to get messy with paint?
Wait, wait! Buy some burlap first. Sheesh. You don’t want hand prints all over your walls.
Spell out whatever Thanksgiving message you want using stencils, and add the turkey’s details with a paintbrush or three. You’ll have an adorable handprint placemat in no time.

For these turkey luminaries from Rhythms of Play, you’ll need leaves.
Go on, go outside and pick some.
Or, go to the craft store and get some silk ones. No one will know.
Besides leaves, you’ll need jars (that may be obvious), tissue paper, and the magic of Mod Podge. Don’t forget googly eyes, either.

Picture this: family arriving, smell of turkey and rolls in the air, and that tender timer stubbornly stuck IN.
Mouths are watering, attention is wavering.
Run to your pantry and grab graham crackers, candy corn, and Starbursts. Got some candy eyes, too? Chocolate frosting?
If not, you can fudge that.
Who cares? Unlike the one in the oven, these are edible turkeys!

After staring at autumn cupcake liners, Raising Little Superheroes felt inspired to create a paper plate turkey craft.
Add some foam pieces, the standard googly eyes, and a ton of gluing.

At about this point, you may be wondering if all of these ideas are turkeys.
In response, may I direct you to this cute little turkey finger puppet?
The kiddos can use up the fake leaves you bought for some other craft you never did, plus googly eyes (again).
They may be entertained for a full five minutes.

Again with the googly eyes and the paper. I’m thinking I need to stock up.
Then we can make this leaf turkey craft with the littles.
Need more leaves? They’re practically growing on trees.

Hey! Grab all those kids who loved painting handprints before, and have them make about five more.
Next, let them make a footprint! They’ll love it, but have wipes handy.
Once they’ve dried, cut around the hands and foot (the ones on paper). Adhere them together, turkeylike, and add eyes and beak and wattle.

Look, look! This one’s a …oh. Still turkey.
But, it’s a book. And, it’s made out of recycled garbage!
See? Feathers of cereal boxes, pages from a paper bag, and popsicle sticks (wash those first).

And, finally: a turkey!
This gobbler puts a new twist on old tissue paper feather ideas by pasting them on a translucent background.
Just cut out a body and features, then let the kids go crazy with tissue squares for your stained glass fowl.

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