Are you patriotic, but your Fourth of July party ideas have kind of fizzled? Boom! Sizzle! Bang! It’s time for a Fourth of July party like no other!

10 Firecracker Fourth of July Party Ideas
How will we set things off?
Picture it: a bright, warm summer afternoon. The bugs and the sunshine are just beginning to settle down.
At that moment, your guests all begin arriving. What will they see first?
Surely, it will be this upcycled pallet flag.
Don’t you just love the rustic, aged look of the red, white, and blue? How about that cute arrangement of stars?
American never looked so beautiful.
Once at the serving table, let’s hang a few patriotic banners.
This DIY USA banner is striped paper through cutouts in denim. The accents above are strips of our nation’s colors, to match the denim and stripes.
What are you waiting for? Michael’s has everything a banner needs.
Especially if this partay is going to be outside, you’ll need lighting. Let’s mix the ole red, white, and blue up a bit -literally.
Using the power of Vaseline, balloons, string, glue, and water; we’re going to make our own colored string of lights (sort of).
It’s a pretty illuminating idea, don’t you think?
While you’re over at the craft store, pick up some wooden dowels, fun paper, and push pins.
These pinwheels are super easy, fun, and look festively decorative.
Plus, they can be a craft for guests to put together.
Only true patriots would star up their lawn. That, or people with stars in their eyes.
You know, ’cause then they’ll have stars on their lawn… nevermind.
As you may guess, the trick is making a stencil shape in something and spray-painting. Don’t worry about permanency, either; the grass grows and you can mow them all off in a week or so.
10 Firecracker Fourth of July Party Ideas
The best part of any party is food. That is why I think the best 4th of July party ideas are edible.
Well, food and that pallet flag.
In fact, the best food ideas for parties are desserts. So, we’re starting off our ideas with these sugar cookie bars.
They’re easy to make and taste delicious. Make a batch for your backyard party …and send me an invitation.
Another quick food fix for parties is fruit. And, who doesn’t love the traditional summer fruit called watermelon?
Watermelon is juicy, yummy, and an appetizing red color. What’s more, it can easily be shaped into interesting balls, cubes, sharks, or stars.
Whip up some fruit salad, to be garnished with watermelon stars. Or, make them like the picture and skewer a few.
I’ll admit it: I’m an Oreo person.
Whether you’ll join me over here or not, you have to try one dipped in white chocolate. It’s like milk and the cookie in one tasty bite.
I also like the idea of jazzing them up with candy stars and frosting stripes.
Ah, Mason jar crafts: second only to pallet projects.
I hadn’t seen glass jars look so fancy before finding this idea.
Go ahead: star and stripe your leftover glass jars. Tie a rope around the top, and use them for utensils.
Or… set the jars on a side bar as decoration, and pop over to Dollar Tree for kerchiefs.
They’re super cheap, and your friends and neighbors will love picking their utensils up in a kerchief bundle.
It’s also a three-for-one: utensil knapsack, personal napkin, and take-home souvenir!
10 Firecracker Fourth of July Party Ideas
Round up yer friends, and light the fuses! Click below for more details:
2. A Pumpkin & A Princess, Michael’s
3. eHow
4. Lolly Jane
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