I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to whip up something crafty and Valentiney with my toddler.
Problem is, he can’t do that much. He’s an expert at sock-throwing and cup-dropping. I’m also certain he’d win any avoid-napping competition.
Looking at those skills, then, I love these Valentine’s craft ideas made just for his level.
Like this one with painting. I forgot that we also love to paint at our house. I prefer when we intentionally paint, like on paper.
And, we love cookie cutters. So it’s a win-win.
I have quite a few boys at my house, so we are always making weapons.
Did you know that toast can be made into a gun? Or, a banana? That’s my kids.
If we add a little V Day feeling to that primal instinct, then you’ve got the inspiration behind this Cupid’s quiver craft.
It’s a slightly less violent use for an old paper towel roll, straws, pipe cleaners, and cardstock.
Speaking of used cardboard tubes, what about all the ones your kids save from the toilet paper?
After ensuring they’re clean, paint and shape a few into a heart tunnel. You’re going to make love bugs.
Grab some pom poms and googly eyes over at Michael‘s. Hot glue the whole mess together.
Isn’t it cute?
Hey, do you know about that stuff that comes with all those Christmas presents you bought from Santa Amazon? That bubbly, plastic filler?
Of course you know about bubble wrap. I’m sure your sweet little children found them and have broken a few eardrums pouncing on the whole sheet.
If you can, stop the littles mid-bounce. Explain that you’re going to paint (that might stop them), then cut out heart shapes and get stamping.
Besides being terribly messy, doing crafts with children does help with brain development.
I think this is especially apparent with ideas like Legos or Play Dough.
Don’t want to spring for store-bought dough? You can totally make your own.
The pinkish stuff pictured is a combination of flour, salt, vegetable oil, cream of tartar, and coloring.
Not only is this a great project for little hands (paint, again!), it’s a two-for-one.
After you’ve helped your toddler(s) glob up their hand(s) and gotten a decent one on paper, you’ll realize this could be a present for grandma.
Other recipients might be their teacher, you, Daddy, or Gramps.
What kid doesn’t like punching holes in things? Mine can’t resist things like plastic-wrapped food at the store.
Let them have at it with a hole punch, then cut the holey results into heart shapes.
You’ll probably have to do the whole stringing-up part, but I know they’ll feel proud every time they look at the window.
This picture frame idea is perfect for gifting.
Go get a paintable one, some paint, a picture, and your toddler’s fingertips.
Whether they are able to make something heartlike or not, you’ve still got a cute, homemade craft.
As you may be able to guess, this tissue paper heart was made with tissue paper.
Oh yeah -and glue. It’s not going to stick on there by itself, after all.
I’ve got the feeling I’ve seen a tie-dye project like this before. Must be popular.
Open up your coffee filters, then cut them into heart shapes.
You may think these require paint, but it’s actually markers with drips of water. Easy, right?
Looking for the tutorials for these craft projects? Look no further!
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